ART Health Solutions were seeking a partner to develop a data automation tool to help them collect and analyse data efficiently.
ART Health Solutions were seeking a partner to develop a data automation tool to help them collect and analyse data efficiently.
Hospice UK wanted a partner who could research and develop an information and insights resource that interested parties could use to help inform strategic decision making in the UK hospice network.
BIC wanted to develop an online survey based on its proprietary innovation framework to gather data from respondents.
The client’s key goal in this project was to upgrade its capabilities in reporting to its clients on incidents to which it was responding and to map them and identify trends and relationships in the data.
Gavurin is a Strategic Partner of Dun & Bradstreet. Gavurin supports D&B across two main activities: Macro Market Insight and Supply Chain Solutions.
The Prince’s Trust’s original objective focused on using data from the Gavurin data warehouse to understand the communities in which it worked.
HealRWorld provide the data and insight needed to businesses and consumers to encourage socially conscious business, consumption, investment and contributions.