
Bring It On 2019 Wrap Up: We Brought It!

Bring It On 2019 Wrap Up: We Brought It!

Early this month, we exhibited at Bring It On 2019; A two-day event which aims to inspire 10-14-year olds into exploring a career in STEM industries. Whilst a number of the Gavurin team are active STEM ambassadors, this was our first time attending the event. You can...
Bring It On NE

Bring It On NE

Bring It On ‘Bring It On North East’ is a two-day event held annually at The Beacon of Light in Sunderland. The event is aimed at 10-14 years old students across the North East to help encourage them to think about future careers in STEM.  The Gavurin team is made up...
National Mentoring Day

National Mentoring Day

In honour of National Mentoring Day our Operations Director, Jonathan Graham, wanted to share his story. On October 27th we celebrate National Mentoring Day. Already in my relatively (I like to think) young career I have had benefited from the wisdom of several great...